Friday 19 September 2014

Sometimes one just has to go with your gut...

Since my conversion to the low carb diet regime mid April this year, I have read many articles and listened to many debates about the subject. I think ultimately, the facts are confusing, merely because there is so much money involved, so many people's careers and many times we just don't know what the hell the truth is because the human body is so complex. As always there are many passionate people on both sides of the argument, but the insight for me came at the moment when I realised that sometimes, the (so-called) facts cannot give you the answer. There is no certainty and the only thing you can measure it against is your own experience.

How did you feel on the low fat high carb diet?
How do you feel on the high fat low carb diet?

Well for me it is easy, but I read a lot about research and the conflicting information and data is  overwhelming. One can spend a lifetime trying to prove that the LCHF way is "unhealthy" whilst feeling tired and sick snacking on your 5 fruit a day and 5 portions of grain, or you can do what I did. I looked at the experimental results of my life thus far and I cannot see evidence that that was a good result at all. Getting one's sugar levels under control, reducing inflammatory conditions (directly linked to auto-immune issues) and generally feeling more alive has to out weigh the fears people raise about increased cholesterol. This is if you still truly believe what the traditionalists say about high blood cholesterol. I am not convinced anymore. There is also no research on people on a carb-restricted diet, and what their cholesterol levels mean.

So on a Friday afternoon I contemplate the many news stories, public debates, blogs, personal interactions, Facebook groups, books, papers, etc. and I say out loud to my friends: Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut.

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