Me again. Still in recovery. It's ironic because the longer I am out, the more I feel that I am IN recovery, and not just recovering. "Hi, my name is Bella and I am a running junkie. It's been 22 days since I ran without pain." I've gone through some stages of grief, some of which requires me to do some restitution, but let's leave that for another day. I've also been forced to do some serious introspection. Looking into the mirror and polishing some of those dull spots. It's now officially three (long) weeks since the injury, and the jury is still out about my comeback. Being a very typical INFJ-personality I've been obsessing about obsessing. Since I've opted to start tracking my weight and my macro nutrients again, I've become a little obsessed with reviewing various Apps on my iPhone.
The first week I tested FatSecret, this week I am testing MyFitnessPal and some others were tried but discarded fairly quickly in between all of this. This has had other consequences, on which I will reflect later. So far, MyFitnessPal is the winner for me, although I find the control over the macro nutrients sub-par, the ease of data entry is superior.
What happens in my kitchen on a Saturday morning...
And this is what was left after the dishwasher was packed ;-) |
KetodietApp is very cool in terms of other content (recipes, information etc). The reporting and how it tracks your food intake is cool (and in line with my way of eating), but I found entry of data too painful to sustain it. FatSecret was "ok" but lacked the finesse of MyFitnessPal when it came to entries. Overall, if you use FatSecret you could be happy, but I personally prefer MyFitnessPal. The FatSecret Web interface is slightly friendlier to use than the MyFitnessPal however, so it may be device sensitive. I tested the two phone Apps on my iPhone 5S. The KetodietApp is basically a blog incorporated into an App and works best on the iPad. It really is an excellent reference source for newbies on the LCHF diet. Although I purchased the App, I didn't add many extra recipes as I prefer using my own and making my own. I also find it easier to use Pinterest to "save" new recipes on my boards for viewing later. Once tested, I often review it or print it out for my "kitchen folder".
In my pursuit of happiness (during my time of recovery), I really have gone slightly berserk in the kitchen (especially on weekends). Recently I've been experimenting with variants of white chocolate fat bombs in an effort to create the best, ever ketogenic friendly white chocolate. The holy grail in my opinion. Milk chocolate that is not horribly sweet but still milky and creamy. It is easy to make dark chocolate that tastes great. The two nuts I still have to crack: (1) the "milkier" versions of the fat bombs and (2) a peppermint flavoured chocolate.
Best ever LC scones with cream and home made berry jam!
Yummy this was good. |
So as per the evidence provided in my photograph of my kitchen sink (post-apocalyptic cooking event) this weekend was epic. Whilst pursuing this chocolate "dream", I baked some faux scones (LC-friendly and served with no-added-sugar-fruit-only jam and whipped cream), I made a mega-batch of toasted LC-granola (nuts and seeds), experimented with some chocolate, made some soup and roasted lamb.
All things good come to those who wait?
I am calm.
I am recovering.
Whilst eating scones and drinking tea. If I can't run...let me BAKE.
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