Today's blog is not for those of us with no fear of the scale. This is for all the girls who's scale is not their friend. My entire life weight loss has been an issue. I have - mostly - made peace with my "body type" and the constant battle with the weight gain, but I do some days just wish it wasn't so hard. I have always had to work hard to loose a few kilos and fight to get fit. Genetically I did not hit the jackpot in this regard. So, typical pattern is that during winter exercise decreases and weight increases. Sigh. It happens every year! One would think I would learn by now! I have been on a path of avoidance since June. I refuse to get on the scale. Not that my clothes don't tell the story - those unwanted winter fat rolls can't be ignored, but I just don't need to see those depressing numbers on the scale right now. Or so I tell myself. My theory works as follows: I need a focus or goal that is not weight related to enable me to work towards weight loss. If I focus to much on the weight, I start obsessing about food = leading to more food. If I focus on a running or exercise goal then food becomes less important. I sort of "reverse psychology" myself by visualising the fitness goal clearly and believing that the end result will be as desired: fitness and weight loss. This requires a bit of imagination and a lot pep talking myself.
So here's the plan: Get fit enough to run the Tough One in 3h30min end of November and then, I do the operation. Actually, just run the race. Move forward.
Many of us can identify with this. Learning to love yourself is pretty hard...
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