Rest days are supposed to be planned events. In my life, rest days are the difference between real life and planning. I have a training plan (on the fridge) and somewhere in between work, traffic, pets, friends, boyfriend, dinner, shopping and life - in no particular order or priority - I try to fit in training. This juggle act is what makes dreaming big, bigger. Yesterday started with a traffic horror, 90 minutes to travel the 12 km from home, and ended with an hour long hunt for our 7 week old kitten in the garden after he escaped at 22:00. That is how somehow my day is marked as a "rest day" on my calendar - it felt nothing like it. I know this is the stuff that makes life life. It is also the stuff that makes training difficult (at least for me that is). Other people, just make it look so easy. You know the ones you read about in Runner's World or see on your way home from work (always running up hills). Is it just me? A day in my life is like shopping at Dischem. I walk in thinking, I just need toothpaste, but before I know it my arms are so full of stuff I have to capitulate and get a shopping basket. It is early days yet, so there is (hopefully) enough time to make up lost training days. The cut-off is 8 hours for completion or 5.275 km per hour. I can do this.
Today though, may I ask for peace within, a bigger shopping basked AND please, can the rain stay away until after my 8k run?
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