Toe-less (left) and Toulouse (right) |
I ran my first Gauteng race this year! Jackie Gibson Half Marathon and it was nice. I finished in a much better time than I expected for this early in my training and with the extra kilos I am still carrying and were very grateful for the 2:16. The route had some tough hills, but also genuine downs that helped with time. I prefer hilly routes over flat ones any day. Hills make you work, focus and concentrate - flat races are boring and it is too easy to slow down. Interesting thing is that I ran the same race in 2010 and in identical time. The little photograph : On the left the Toe-less wonder's foot and on the right Toulouse the kitten. The same kitten that was being rescued from the tree when the accident happened - and really that was his name before the "incident". He is adorable and loving and is bonding big time with his dad.
In the meantime, March is nearing it's end and I have been at this for a month. Thus far I have completed 169 km, ran 2 races, adapted to a new training regime, booked my spot in the marathon, booked my ticket, and is busy applying for my visa. Not bad for March!