I made it. I ran a marathon and I made in good time (for that marathon) - 6 hours 23 minutes. And I was so proud, so happy. Even though that was May and this is August, maybe I should end this cycle, complete the circle and tell the story - at least some overview.
It was amazing. Tough as hell, beautiful and challenging, but amazing. I was ready and I did it. I have the medal, the poster photos and the t-shirt. I did it.
Strange, I meant to of course, write up the whole thing and how much it meant to me. After months of preparation and many interesting stories, it was almost surreal once I was done. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing. I don't think I can put into words how amazing it was. I am so glad to have seen, felt, touched and experienced the Great Wall. It is worthy of it's name. I did not find China - Beijing - in general awe inspiring...but the Wall took my breath away. Of all the things to see in life, I think this is one worthy of effort. But once I came back life took me on it's normal roller coaster ride and I never actually got around to writing my story. And when I started thinking about it, I realised the story changed. It is different now, maybe I am different now.
So I ran the marathon, a tough one, and came back home (really homesick) and winter hit and my running went from feast to famine. And I started missing having a goal. It does not help that I am still sans training partners (Toe-less-wonder and Falling-down-stairs are both still slowly coming back to the fold). So August is here (and it is snowing today) and I started attending my ritual of running again in the past week. I am back. And I have stuff to say, stuff to think about and a big life choices to make. Life after the marathon has begun... But before I turn the page, some of the visuals from my big adventure.
The poster child at the finish.
Never before was I so relieved to finish. So many starters did not make the official cut-off time. I took many pictures and fought many demons to get to this point. I loved it. I hated it. I loved it.
Beautiful views, breathtaking scenery...
So it was harder than just a normal marathon? Yes. Steeper than I expected? Yes.
Killer steps were hard, but the gradient that is what killed me, but hey it was way easier than I had anticipated.
There was one section that took me 30 minutes to climb a mere 1 km. It was just so steep. And after 35 km, it bites!

And in the end, I was also reminded how much I love SA and how proudly South African we are.